Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Step3 Keep Score

This is an Activity to add our own scoreboard.
I just followed the steps and this is what i ended up with.
Some problems Im encountering are that the shark just suddenly goes back out of the screen.

Opening a door Flowchart

As you can see this my own flowchart. It looks a bit confusing as it is all not equal.
Ive also tried to make it as simple as possible

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Sample Flow charts

 1. In this flowchart it is showing how to read a temperature and to tell whether they are cold or hot. As the temperature say < 32 this means that the tempearture is cold.
2. In this flowchart it is showing how a led light works as soon as you switch it on.

-oval:start and end; on in
- diamond: decisions or branches
- rectangles: action boxes; one in one out
 -arrow: indicate proccess direction.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

notes step 2- computer algorithims

"computers dont do what you want them to do, but only what you tell them to do"

1. Algorithms- set of instructions to complete a task, in a finite time

2. Pseudocode- an informal language that helps programmers develop algorithms.
3. Machine Language- system of instrcutions executed by the CPU
4. High Level Computer Language- a type of programming language that isnt limited by the tye of computer or by specific job.
5. Flowchart- a type of diagram that represents an algorithm or proccess
6. Sequence- order in which you do something
7. Selection- choose
8. Repetition- repeating asequence of instructions